Any matter exposing noticable radioactivity.
Examples for "radioactive substance"
Examples for "radioactive substance"
1A medical isotope is a radioactive substance used mainly to diagnose illness.
2Nora's last experiences of nursing were a radioactive substance too hot to touch.
3Each package was a cardboard box containing a metal container which held the radioactive substance.
4They detected traces of Polonium-210, a deadly radioactive substance.
5Iodine-131 is a fast-decaying radioactive substance produced by fission that takes place inside a nuclear reactor.
1You can eat or drink radioactive matter, like strontium 90 in milk.
2They have also raised concerns about benzene, arsenic and low-level radioactive matter coming up from the shale.
3Eventually hydrogen explosions and fuel meltdowns occurred at three reactors, releasing vast amounts of radioactive matter into the environment.
4Tells about the discoveries made by Dr. Martland & his co-workers on how radioactive matter works inside the human body.
5Such as the numbers of particles that would be given off by a lump of radioactive matter during a short period.
6The utility said radioactive matter, including caesium and strontium, had seeped into soil, which may have to be dug up and removed.
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Translations for radioactive matter